For experts from experts
For experts from experts
For experts from experts
The platform which provides you with all relevant European gas market data.
The platform which provides you with all relevant European gas market data.
The platform which provides you with all relevant European gas market data.
For experts from experts
The platform which provides you with all relevant European gas market data.
For experts from experts
The platform which provides you with all relevant European gas market data.
Find the plan adapted to your team
General Manager and Authorised Representative:
Andriy Krupa
Registry court:
Berlin – Charlottenburg Local Court
Register No:
HRB 199664
VAT ID No. pursuant to Art. 27 VAT Act:
DE 321143980
Zimmerstraße 78,
10117 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 217 883 00
Responsible person pursuant to Art. 55 § 2 RStV:
Andreas Goedecke, Eichhornstraße 3, 10785 Berlin