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appygas launches a new tool as a facilitator for the secondary capacity market

Updated: May 9, 2020

'Trades' is the name of the new tool that allows network users to publish information about transport capacities that they would like to sell or buy.

Berlin 04.05.2018. After the successful launch of the digital solution at the European “e-world” trade fair in Essen (Germany) last February, appygas is now offering a new service in addition to the Flows Map, the Route Calculator and the Availability information that are already available on this platform.

“Trades” is the name of the new tool that allows network users to publish information about transport capacities that they would like to sell or buy. Registered users on appygas have the possibility to contact the person mentioned in the publication directly. In case of an anonymous publication, the appygas platform will then transfer the request including contact details to the publisher of this information.

This new service responds to the demand of gas market participants who have been missing a simple information platform facilitating the secondary market. Similarly to the design in place, the publication tool is very easy to use. “The objective is to inform all market participants in an uncomplicated way and to bring interested parties together. This solution will definitely give our customers more flexibility in a time-saving manner”, says Ziad Gritli, Product and Account Manager at appygas. Users also have the option to be emailed as soon as new trades are published on appygas. Trading itself is not happening on the platform.

The “Route Calculator” has also been improved for a better booking strategy. appygas is offering now a new feature helping users prepare the coming capacity auctions more efficiently. On the top of the transport fee, the spread and the next available auction, users can see the results of the last auctions at the corresponding point. With one click the capacities offered and sold during the last daily and monthly auctions, as well as the surcharge prices, are displayed on a graph.

Those developments complete the scope of the current appygas version that allows you to view the key information of the gas markets in Europe in near real-time. Appygas provides access to a range of information such as trade flows, market prices, use rates and balance of the networks, calculation of gas routes and maintenance schedules in specific locations. Designed for the main market players, appygas platform provides help in decision-making for commercial operations as well as a medium of reflection for strategic analyses.

Since its launch on February 6th, 2018, more than 500 users from over 200 companies have registered on The platform is continuously evolving and should cover new market areas such as Gaspool and Austrian VTP before June.

Customers can access the service using a web browser or a smartphone app that is available on iOS and Android.

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